Excerpts from
Emmet Fox's Golden Keys
to Successful Living
by Herman Wolhorn

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Emmet Fox ( 1886-1951 ), notable New
Tought leader and writer, was born in Ireland but lived most of his
life in England before moving to the United States. He became
interested in the New Thought movement as a young man and gave his
first metaphysical lecture in London in 1928.
During visit to the United States in 1931, Dr. Fox accepted the
position of minister of the Church of the Healing Christ in New York
City. As a Divine Science minister, he was highly successful for the
rest of his active live.
Through his personal reminiscences of travels with
Dr. Fox, the author
reveals the teacher's thoughts on many topics. All of Emmet Fox's
teaching are clearly explained here: The true nature of God; Principles
for achieving success and happiness; How to use your deepened spiritual
understanding to change the lives of those around you; The real meaning
of such commonly misunderstood terms as "Fear of God, Wrath of God,
Salvation, Judgement, Heathens, and Repentance."
For many years there has been an insistent demand from the
followers of
Emmet Fox for a biography that would give a more intimate view of the
man than his books provide. In one sense the life of Emmet Fox cannot
be separated from the teaching he did in person and through his
publications, and yet there was a warm, intimate, personal side, known
to few rather than to many. And so I have divided this book into two
parts. Part One is a summary of the teaching he gave, annotated (in
italic type) with personal observations that I experienced during the
twenty years we worked together.
Part Two is an intimate view of the Emmet Fox my wife and I
knew in our
close association with him. I am sure there are many people around the
world who could offer other insights of Emmet Fox as they perceived
him, but I have confined this account, with few exceptions, to the
three of us: Emmet Fox, Blanche Wolhorn, and myself. It is not a
chronological account. I have grouped related ideas and events so as to
convey a comprehensive portrait of Emmet Fox in his constant search
for Truth and in the ongoing work of his Healing Ministry.
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Clayton
Carlson of
Harper & Row, who encouraged the writing of this project, to
Eleanor Jordan and Fred Becker, also of Harper, who provided insights
about the Emmet Fox books, and to Dr. Fletcher Harding, a special
friend of Emmet Fox, whose moving tribute to Dr. Fox at the time
of his
departure closes the book.